Quick Checkout Extension

Posted by AlexDobson on December 16, 2022

We get asked quite frequently about how you can improve the OpenCart checkout experience and potentially reduce the risk of customers abandoning their cart. On the whole OpenCart’s standard checkout does the job from adding the product to your cart to your order being completed. 

However, one simple way to improve your OpenCart checkout experience would be to install MarketInSG’s ‘Quick Checkout’ extension. Here are some of the features that we found to be very beneficial:

  • Everything is on one single page without you having to either contend with a four stage (or even more in some cases) accordion list. A real benefit of this is you don’t need to take a step back to make sure everything is correct as your order details are all on the same page. You can see the big differences in the screenshots below:
Standard OpenCart Checkout
Quick Checkout Extension
  • You can setup the extension to include the fields you want showing within the OpenCart Admin very easily. The options available within the editing section are vast compared to most extensions.


If customers have to fill out long forms to complete the checkout process, they are more likely to abandon their checkout. Try to keep the checkout experience short and simple. The Quick Checkout extension helps solve this issue and therefore should help reduce your abandoned cart percentage.

If you would like to get this extension installed then we would be happy to do this for you, so please do email us at info@antropy.co.uk.

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