Command Line
Remove All .svn Folders from the Current Directory
If you've worked with Subversion, the chances are you've wanted to recursively remove the .svn directories that Subversion uses. If your files are all committed and up to date, you can right-drag the folder somewhere and choose the "Export" option.
However, chances are if you want to remove the .svn directories it's because you're getting an error saying something like "obstructed". In which case, an export is not what you want because it will get content from the repository that might be older than your files. The following command executed in your directory with the offending .svn directories should do the job:
for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('dir /ad /b /s *svn') do rd /s /q "%i"
Watch the File Count in the Current Directory Directory
If you need to watch a directory (log files perhaps?) that might have files placed in it somehow and you want to know when this happens, the following command shows the current file count and 6 second intervals:
for /L %i in (1,0,2) do @dir /b /a | find /c /v "" & ping -n 6 > nul