Do you have backups of your ecommerce site?
It never fails to surprise me how many companies have their ecommerce website at the centre of their business but fail to have a proper backup solution or disaster recovery (DR) process in place. Are you one of these?
The fact is that data loss happens. There are many potential causes including:
- Hardware failure.
- Accidental deletion.
- Software failure/corruption.
- Hacking/unauthorized access.
We've had clients come to us who've had their sites compromised - often reverting to a clean backup is the best way because it's the best way to be sure all traces of the malware are removed. Unfortunately their host were unable to provide them with any backups at all!
So, what can you do this minute?
- Ask your web host right now in an email or ticket, if backups of your site are available. If not, find a new host (we do hosting!)
- Even if they do keep backups, it's best to also keep your own. Refer to our article: How to Fully Backup OpenCart.
- Set up an event in your calendar to remind you to take (and download) a backup at least weekly.
- Make sure all your passwords are strong so you're less likely to need that backup.