Most Viewed Blogs of 2021
Just like in last year's blog, we go through the most viewed blogs written this year according to Google Analytics. This year we have written a range of blogs with more ‘how to’ guides within OpenCart and in the later part of the year case studies focusing on OpenCart Builds we have completed through 2021.
5) How to Add a New Voucher Theme in Opencart
4) How to Redirect to WWW and HTTPS
3) How to Enable or Disable Reviews on Your Site
1) New VAT Rules Now We Have Left the EU
It comes as no surprise to us with regards to the top 2 blogs for this year.
At number 2, the missing order conundrum was puzzling for a lot of OpenCart stores over the year and we are glad that our in-house OpenCart ninja Joe managed to get to the bottom of the issue (and even better put it into a blog for you all).
The number 1 spot going to the VAT changes made at the start of the year by the government gained a significant amount of views. It was a big shift for all store oweners around the country to contend with and we took pride in helping a lot of companies help overcome these changes so that orders were taken correctly and in-line with the new amendments.
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